Sunday, January 06, 2008

Been having trouble with the computer and so have not written for a long time. Saw the big debate last night on ABC. It was entertaining with both parties involved. On the Republican side I only like Ron Paul. His libertarian views were impressive. He is obviously not going to win but at least he has stayed around longer than my Democratic favorite Joe Biden. The other 5 Republicans are all for the war which is amazing given the losses and the fact that it has no benefit whatsoever for the U.S. Paul is the only one who realizes that while there are always bad guys in the world, by doing the wrong things we are enabling them to recruit people who otherwise had no beef with us. Unless Paul is the Republican nominee I will vote Democratic this year no matter who their nominee is.

This bring up the fact that Clinton may not be the nominee. Obama has the momentum and while I thought Edwards did the best in the debate, Obama did all right as he was not hurt by Clinton's attacks. Edwards was trying to help Obama eliminate Clinton and then try to win a two man contest. This strategy helps Obama and if it works will hand the nomination to Obama. Bill Richardson was absolutely terrible. How in the world Biden finished behind this guy? With Biden out I am going with Obama. I still have trouble with his inexperience but as I said before since Brzynski endorsed him he probably has a good understanding of foreign policy. Also Bill Bradley is about to endorse him and I have respect for Bradley's intelligence. So I think that despite his youth Obama may do all right.

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