Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Finishing up on the vp situation from the last blog before moving on to a lighter topic today. While I agree with LBOAYM about Obama not picking someone from the midwest, one should consider Ohio governor Ted Strickland. Ohio is an important swing state and Strickland was a Clinton supporter. Plus a senator-governor combination is generally better than a ticket with both being in the same type of office. In McCain's case I think he will strongly consider Romney because he would be helpful in Mich. and Mass. Romney also has lots of money. But I think they don't like each other much and the conservatives are not sold on Romney. Huckabee will help with the south but if McCain can't win the south himself, he is not going to win anyway. Huckabee would be a liability outside of the south. I don't see Rice as a viable candidate because that would validate Obama's claim that McCain would be Bush's third term. I see Charlie Crist, the governor of Florida and the governor of Minnesota, whose name escapes me now, as the likely candidates for McCain. By the way, Anthony Zinni got mentioned today by David Gergen on CNN as a possible candidate, the first I have heard of that in the media.

In my Nov. 9, 2006 blog I talked about athletes in politics. Al Franken's endorsement by the Democrats to run for senator from Minn. got me thinking about entertainers that may be interesting politicians. So here are 10 that I thought about, in no particular order. None of them will likely or should win offices. People who are actually serious about running such as Fred Thompson or Warren Beatty are not considered here. Arnold and Ventura were already mentioned as athletes in 2006 blog and are not eligible here.

1. Oprah. Anyone can come up with this one. The most powerful woman in America already, she easily wins the female and black vote anytime she wants.

2. Jackie Chan. Ability to get out of trouble and avoiding attacks is a big asset in Hong Kong politics.

3. Carlos Mencias. This totally political incorrect Hispanic believes in equal opportunit-- He trashes all ethnic groups alike. He is a little too vulgar for me but he is hilarious. His Bud light commercial is great.

4. Bono. A serious man when not performing, Bono does a lot of humanitarian work. Bush met him about his work but was confused because he wanted to see Cher.

5. Stephen Colbert. A liberal pretending to be a conservative. I still don't know why Bush invited him to speak at a dinner. Didn't he realized that Colbert was a fake Republican?

6. Charles Barkley. Always wanted to be governor of Alabama. Can't afford to take a pay cut from TNT though. Has compelling story if he keeps gambling: from rags to riches back to rags.

7. Tina Fey. A very funny woman who looks dorky enough to be an intellectual while wearing those glasses.

8. Darrell Hammond. Does a great Bill Clinton. But he also does Al Gore. Can package himself as a recycled Gore and get the environmental vote.

9. Conan O'Brien. Being tall and an alumnus of Harvard help. Maybe a target of the Mafia for replacing an Italian-Jay Leno.

10. Martin Sheen. Already played a president on tv. More intellectual than people realiz, he is studying at either Oxford or Cambridge now. Has to try to keep his son Charlie out of trouble. Has to explain why he changed his name. He is short. Ok, too many negatives, back to acting!


  1. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Ha ha great list! You forgot to mention Harrison Ford. He's played a hero and a president (even though his character went to Michigan).

    You're right I forgot about Gov. Crist, though I don't know how popular he is in his own state. He would be a great candidate.

    The only reason I brought up Rice is I think she's a viable candidate IF Obama chooses Clinton.


  2. Funny you should mention Ford. I was deciding between Sheen and Ford for #10. Ultimately I felt better making fun of Charlie Sheen than Calista Flochart!

  3. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Yeah but you can say that Ford is not concerned with feeding the poor because he doesn't seem to be feeding Calista Flockhart.



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