Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Observations from the GOP convention with one more day left:

Tina Fey, I mean Sarah Palin, did a very good job of delivering her speech tonight. She was poised and I don't think it will be easy for Biden to make her look bad. Despite her lack of experience she won't make a mistake like Gerald Ford did in his debate when he said that Poland was not under the control of the USSR. You can't underestimate her. Also, if you attack her, the GOP will cry sexism even though Palin herself once said Hillary Clinton should stop whinning about sexism.

With her daughter pregnant and her membership in the NRA, are we going to have a shotgun wedding in the White House? Will we have a vp shooting contest between Cheney and Palin? The Republicans are saying the pregnancy is a private matter and denounce the media for bringing it up. But they themselves announced it on Monday. Now the girl's fiancee is on the stage with the family, how much privacy are they trying to have? As a person who advocate abstinence only to prevent teen pregancy, I guess Palin has a first hand look at how well that works. Jon Stewart showed Bill O'Reilly saying how this is a private family matter, then Stewart showed a clip of O'Reilly torching Britney Spears' parents for being unresponsible parents because of their younger daughter's pregnancy. Talk about double standards.

Speaking of family value, convention speakers Fred Thompson and Rudy Guiliani both got rid of older wives for younger versions. Of course that is the case of John McCain himself.

I have no problem with Joe Lieberman endorsing McCain. He should go with whomever he thinks is the best candidate. Even speaking at the GOP convention is fine. But trashing Obama is uncalled for especially since Obama campaigned for him in the past. In fact Lieberman praised Obama in the past of being a great rising star. But worst of all is that the praise he lavished on Palin. I am sure he had no idea who she was before last week. There was no way he could have known her well enough to say all those things about her. It just makes all the good things he said about McCain less believable.

Last night's theme was "country first". It reminds me of Mao's call for sacrificing for the motherland. Turn in your neighbors if you don't think he is patriotic. If you don't believe in the Cultural Revolution, you are unpatriotic. It is sort of like the liberals accusing you of being politically incorrect. In this case the conservatives are saying if you don't believe like we do, you are unpatriotic. Recently there was a poll that about 38% of the people think that Obama is unpatriotic. Since I am sure the blacks in the sample do not think Obama is unpatriotic, it means near 50% of whites think that about him. Obama is born in this country and has done nothing unpatriotic. If there is that many people think that about him, racism is got to be alive and well. Imagine an immigrant like me running for office, I would not want to think what percentage of people think that I am unpatriotic.

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