Saturday, October 18, 2008

First there was Joe Six Pack and now there is Joe the Plumber. Never mind that his first name is not really Joe and he is not a licensed plumber. The way McCain and Obama were using this Joe's name I think there may be more use of other Joes before the election.

McCain has used another Joe before: Joe Lieberman. He can rename him Joe Independent and take him along to rallies.

I know smoking is politically incorrect now a days but with the use of Joes by the Republicans, Obama may start smoking again and try to look cool and act like Joe Camel.

Bill Clinton claims that he will be out on the trail for Obama. With his history of womanizing and now living in New York, I would not be surprised if he claims to be Broadway Joe.

Obama will try to use his youth as an advantage against McCain by claiming that he is Joe Athlete.

McCain who cannot be an athlete himself at his age, will sing the Simon and Garfunkle song "Mrs. Robinson" which has the following lyric: Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio, a country turns its lonely eyes to you. This may help with old people like me.

Both candidates will seek out Joe Montana to help with a certain state bordering Cannada.

Both candidates will pretend to be Average Joe even though they are not. That may backfire as we already have an Average Joe in the White House right now.

Starbuck will be going out of business and both candidates will say it is an outrage that we cannot afford a cup of Joe.

In an effort to get the Hispanic vote one of the candidate will use the following tactics:
1. Accuse the other being so blind to reality that he called him the Jose Feliciano of politics.
2. Exclaimed "no way Jose" when informed of the opponent's economic plans.
3. Claims that his opponent is so lost that he does not know the way to San Jose.

When finally the election is over, one of the candidate will be informed by someone that he had lost. The losing candidate will say sadly: Say it ain't so, Joe.


  1. Anonymous6:27 PM

    You should be ashamed of yourself with this ridiculous blog. What do you think of Colin Powell's endorsement of Obama?

    By the way, I think they need to get a celebrity endorsement from Angelina JOlie.

    Of course I'm only JOking.


  2. I am less ashamed than McCain should be for using Joe the plumber. People are going to say that Powell endorsed the black candidate, although the McCain campaign can't come out to say that. What is more embarassing for McCain is Powell's criticism of Palin as vp candidate and McCain's negative campaigns. If Powell had just endorsed and not given such specific reason then it will not have any effect. It will still not be a big boost for Obama but I think it will help with a few Independents and moderate Republicans who are on the fence.

    Actually I did have a female Joe: Joey Heatherton, a singer and actress, I could have used. But I figure not too many people know who she is.

  3. Anonymous6:09 AM

    You are right, I have no idea who Joey Heatherton is!

    I used to be a huge Powell fan and would have supported his candidacy for president, but after what happened at the UN, I thought he had got caught up in the politics and was forced to become a yes man for Bush.

    He made up for some of it by resigning and trying to right his wrong, but I don't see much positive effect for Obama on this.

    I watched his interview and thought he was pretty candid and said what everyone but the republicans have been thinking.

    Two weeks out and it would be a huge upset if Obama doesn't pull this out.



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