Sunday, September 27, 2009

Joe Wilson says that Obama lied about illegal immigrants not being covered in any healthcare reform package. I think that if Obama did not lie then he is wrong on this issue. As are most of Americans. All the Democrat's plans do not allow illegals to even buy their own insurance, never mind subsiding them if they are poor. As I have said before, most illegals are doing what you and I would have done, if we have the energy and drive, to risk their lives to work very hard to support their families. If our government don't want their services, deport them. I think it would be worse for our economy but it is a fair legal choice we can make. However, to say that someone who is working and paying taxes but cannot get pay for their own insurance, is morally wrong.

Besides being morally wrong I think it is also impractical. If an illegal has a heart attack or appendicitis e.g. he will go to ER where we have a policy not to turn away anyone. So without insurance or in this case the legal right to buy insurance, the bill will probably be paid by taxpayers or swallowed by the hospital which has to charge others more. Since illegals are younger and in better physical shape than Americans on the average (you don't sneak into the country and work in the fields 10 hours a day in my condition), we should want them to be part of the paid insurance pool. As I said before, if an illegal gets tuberculosis and do not get treated, he may die and also spread it to others. Tuberculosis does not know nationality. Do we want this?

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