Wednesday, October 12, 2011

It seems that with each passing season I find less and less good programs on tv. There are a lot more channels than ever before but that only means there are more junks on than before. I am especially annoyed by all these reality shows. The Real Housewives of _______ are all terrible. I don't want to know anything about the Kardashians. How many singing competitions are there on now a days? American Idol was very good in the beginning but I don't see how one can watch so many of these copycat shows. I used to like Dancing with the Stars but this season I just can't into it. There were always annoying people on like Kate Gosselin and Floyd Mayweather, but this season there seems to be more of them. And what was that Carrie Ann crying over Chas Bono's performance? It was terrible! And Nancy Grace had the gall to say that she deserved 8s! Let's get some originality in programming!

If the above rant doesn't make me sound old then consider that I like couple of the shows that are from the 60's. Mad Men and Pan Am. Now you know I am old. To me these shows bring back memories of how I saw America when I was a young boy and an immigrant. I am sure a lot people like these shows because of nostalgia. It was a time when America was #1 in almost everything and was still rising. Everybody likes American products and want to travel in luxurious jets like Americans. But to me these shows are a reminder for those who want to go back to the good old days: it wasn't as great as you remember them to be. Everybody was smoking and drinking nonstop on Mad Men which meant that people from that era died much sooner and suffered more health problems earlier. There were not much opportunities for women or minorities. Witness the people in power were all white males then. Even for most white men life was not necessary better than today. The main character in Mad Men was very high in the corporate ladder. Yet his home would be about middle class level today. Add to the fact that there was worry about the Russians attacking us, you can see that the good old days were not as good as we think. Of course I think most people today would be correct if they rather be traveling on Pan Am with the characters from Mad Men than be on Spirit Airline with cast of Jersey Shores!


  1. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Ha, I like your last line there. I for one wish we could go back to a time when my flight attendant was a stewardess and looked hot like the girls in Pan Am. Or maybe TV makes me think this way? I don't know.

    I have been recording a lot of TV this year but none of it is very good. I actually liked the Playboy show but then again, maybe I'm just perverted.

    Another show I've been watching and liking is Hawaii 5-0. I never thought I would like it but started watching it last year and enjoy it.

    Thank goodness for sports though. Maybe that's why I'm recording so much, because this is a great time for local sports.

    By the way, your first paragraph sounds like a tribute to Andy Rooney. Either you wanted to sound like him or you're becoming a cranky old man!


  2. As I said this blog should prove to everyone I am an old man. I decline the adjective cranky, however. Your Playboy Club show has already been canceled so you will have to find fantasy elsewhere. I watch Hawaii Five O as well but I don't think it is as good as the original. Again, this proves that I am old. I have watched all the seasons of Dexter and Damages on Netflix. This may be a sign that I am psychologically unstable!

    From the previous blog: Once people look at Cain's 9-9-9 plan closer, he will drop in the polls. Even the Republicans will not like his plan. Being able to run a pizza business is far from being able to run a country. Would you trust Tom Monaghan to be even governor of Michigan?

    It is too early to know who will run in 2016 but I stand by my assertion that Christie will run if he loses weight and Romney loses in 2012. Hilary Clinton certainly will have a great chance of running and winning by 2016. But of course a lot depend on the state of the country at that time.


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