Thursday, October 11, 2012

I have not been writing because I have been away, not because of the Obama debate debacle.  So today we have the vp debate.  I think it was a draw.  Both Biden and Ryan did what they were supposed to do:  Biden attacking and Ryan showing that he is much more capable than Palin four years ago.  The vp debates rarely have any significance on the election and given the draw today, this one certainly would not make any difference.  How Obama responds in the next two debates will go a long way in determining who wins this close race.

I think it is easier to be the challenger in these debates because one can always attack the policies of the incumbent.  Like the Middle East policies.  The region is a mess and nobody can possibly make things look good out there.  The challenger can say things like being tougher on Iran.  But there is nothing tougher that can be done short of waging war.  When pressed about what would be his criteria to go to war, Ryan says only if the security risks of the country is a stake.  Well, I don't see how Iran having nuclear weapons is of security risks to the U.S.  Anyone who thinks that Iran will wage nuclear war against the U.S. is crazy.  I think that if Romney/Ryan are elected, there will be a greater chance that we will preemptively attack Iran and I think that will be a grave error.


  1. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Welcome back. I have been waiting for you to blog. Hope you had a good time while away!

    I only watched parts of the debate. I am thinking of boycotting the next two as well, since I'm already decided on who I will vote for. Nothing new is said in these debates anyways. It's the same old tired lines.

    From what I watched, I have to agree with you that I thought it was pretty even. Biden was the bulldog, like I expected. Not bad, not good.

    Ryan impressed me by keeping calm, but like Romney, had nothing to back up their plans.

    I actually liked how the moderator kept things going and didn't let it get out of control like last week.


  2. I agree that Martha Raddatz was good. Her forte is foreign affairs and she asked a lot of questions on foreign affairs instead of the economy as was expected. She kept the debate flowing well. Some Republicans complained that she was biased because Obama had gone to her wedding because he knew her husband. Why did they not protest before the debate? Also one guy said that Ryan should invite Raddatz to his wedding. I think since Ryan is already married, that would be against his religion to marry again.

    There was an argument whether Ryan and Romney's tax cut can be offset by closing loopholes and cutting deductions. Biden said the math does not add up. Ryan said that the math do add up. It seems to me if it does add up, then Ryan should just write it out so that we can see the math. Tell us exactly which loopholes and which deductions he is getting rid of and how much each one. SHOW us the math!

  3. Anonymous6:14 AM

    I agree with the math part. The part where the Republicans is messing up is not being specific. And when they try to be specific, they're not really telling the truth.

    Though to be fair, neither side is telling the full truth!

    Maybe they meant Raddatz should be invited to Romney's next wedding, since he is able to marry multiple times, right? Just kidding on that, though I am a bit surprised that a Super PAC hasn't come out against the Mormon religion yet.



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