Monday, October 15, 2012

Tomorrow is the big debate.  Due to the closeness of the race, it can have an effect on the outcome of the election.  But I don't think there will be a big swing like it did with first debate.  The first one established Romney as a solid candidate and unless he really bombs in the second, he will still be in better shape than 3 weeks ago.  Obama must stop the bleeding but I doubt he can regain the lead he had even if he beats Romney this time.  Obama already has 4 years of record so most people have already made up their mind about him.  So I think this debate can move the polls only 1 or 2 points either way, not 5or 6 points like last time.  Given the closeness of the race though, 1 or 2 points maybe significant come November.

Romney is obviously trying to be more centrist as the election gets near.  But one thing Obama can point out is that there are several advisers from the Bush era that Romney is using in foreign policies.  Among them are neocons that advised Bush in nation building and spreading "democracy".  While I don't think Romney is agreeing with these people and would get us into war like in Iraq, the fact that he is listening to them is dangerous enough.  This should be pointed out by Obama.  One can argue about which economic policy is better, but the bottom line is Iraq cost us thousands of lives and one trillion dollars.  These neocons are the people we certainly should not listen to.


  1. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Interesting take on Romney and the debate here. I will probably skip the debate and watch parts of it on the news. I look forward to hearing what you thought of it. It'll be interesting which character does better in the Town Hall setting. I think that both candidates will do well.


  2. I think Obama won hands down this time although not by as a wide margin as Romney did in the first debate. Obama was back to his old self. He was engaging, forceful and presidential. The reason he did not win big was because Romney was pretty good himself. I doubt there will be much change in the poll as Romney had established himself as a worthy challenger in the first debate and he did not go backward today. If Obama had done what he did tonight in the first debate, he might have put away the election. But at least he has stopped the slide tonight.

  3. Anonymous7:15 AM

    I was able to watch bits and pieces of the debate. I thought both candidates did a good job.

    Still surprised that Romney hasn't outlined his economic plans. I wonder if he's saving it for some other time or if he doesn't really have one.

    The Libyan issue continues to be a headache with Obama. Oh and of course the track record hurts as well. But maybe he can point to lower unemployment and lower gas prices in the next week or so, to show that things are working.

    On more important things, it looks like Bristol Palin was finally voted off DWTS, a show that I do not watch. I think that the Republicans that were stacking the vote for her the last few weeks were too busy concentrating on the debate and forgot or neglected to phone in their votes.

    I will admit that she did improve this year, but it was obvious she was the worst dancer on the show.


  4. The truth is that Romney does not have a plan. At least not a plan that would actually lower the taxes for everyone and still cut the deficit. If anyone who actually has such a plan, would he not publish it and win the Nobel economic prize? Why would anyone keep the detail of this plan secret and say the math does add up?

    Even though more people thought that Obama won the debate, most people surveyed also said that Romney would be better for the economy. This is of course due to the fact that the economy has not rebounded fully under Obama. I can accept people voting for Romney based on this one factor alone. So no reason for Romney to put out a plan that people realize will not add up. I, of course, do not believe that any president can make a big difference in the economy. I believe that foreign affairs are much more important in choosing a president. In the scheme of things, Libya is not all that important but it got a big play last night. While Romney could have and should have been able to win some points on that issue, I think it backfired on him as Obama looked more presidential when arguing with Romney on the subject.

    Thank goodness Palin is out of DWTS. She is not an all star and should never have been in this season. Kirsten Alley is the second worst and should be out
    next. After that everyone is excellent and I worry for Apollo as I don't think Karina is as good a pro as the others left. Who do you predict will win now that we are almost half way into the season?

  5. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Well, I always said the top 3 were Apolo, Shawn Johnson and Emmitt Smith. You can also make a case for Gilles who will get a lot of the women vote. I just don't think his partner is suited for all the dances.

    Shawn Johnson is by far the best and has the best partner, so I guess it'll be her vs. Emmitt Smith in the finals, unless something goofy happens.

    I am still cheering for Apolo, but he has to step up a bit.

    If I were an undecided voter, I would be very concerned that a candidate would not even come out with an economic plan. This on top of not disclosing his tax returns, just raises a red flag. There's just an air of him being secretive.


  6. A poll came out today that seems shocking to me. It said that women in swing states view abortion as the number one issue, ahead of economy. While this may seem like a good sign for Obama since Romney has flip-flopped on this issue, I think that if this poll is accurate then women on BOTH side of this issue must have said that abortion is the number one issue. So it may not be such an advantage for Obama. But in any case, I am surprised that in this time of economic hardship, an issue that has been kicked around for decades is number one!

    As you know I don't believe that the economy will be different under Romney or Obama. Besides the unpredictability of the global economy, there is also only so much a president can do in this country. Whoever wins cannot jam his policies through Congress. Even if Romney wins and Republicans win both the House and Senate, the Republicans will not have a filibuster proof senate so the Democrats can still stop the Republicans. If Obama wins, he will not even have the House on his side. So no big policy will likely to pass.

    In fact if nothing gets done we will have another budget crisis and there will be automatic cuts since the Super Committee failed last summer. Remember them? If things are stalled, then the financial market will have no confidence, business will not hire and expand and people will not spend. So doing nothing is probably worse than the policies of either side. So I propose that whoever wins the presidency can make the ultimate decision on the budget crisis. Give him two years to do whatever he wants. I think that will serve the country better than to have gridlock. Of course, neither side will agree with my suggestion until after the election. Then the winning side will agree with me for sure!

  7. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Well, the hot topic of the week is the womens rights issue since Romney did a horrible job of explaining his policies/views again.

    I think that led to a firestorm of women who wanted to voice their opinion. I have a hard time understanding women in the first place, so I will leave it at that!

    What I find amusing is that the Republicans always say they want the government controlling our lives. But with the abortion issue, they want to control what women do with their bodies. Seems hypocritical to me.

    I don't have an opinion either way, since I will never have to make the decision. But if I were a woman, I wouldn't want government telling me what to do.

    You are right as far as the economy and the president go. It's not the old days where a president can come in and rally the troops. Maybe I'm pessimistic in our society and government.

    By the way, did you hear that peanut prices are down to their lowest levels in years? Must be Obama! Not!


  8. No, I did not know about peanut prices. What is the reason behind that?

    Did you notice all the China bashing from both sides. Obama accuses Romney of outsourcing to China while Romney says that Obama is not tough enough on China. He also accuses China of currency manipulation. You know even if China's currency is evaluated accurately and China do not dump products at below cost, we would still not be able to match their prices. We can only match if our wages are same as theirs. I am tired of politicians say that if competition is fair, American workers are the best in the world. Well, we are not. Otherwise we would not have Mexicans doing our dirty work. The Chinese are hungrier than we are and so they will harder. When China is as rich as us then they will not working harder than us. The only thing about this that Obama said right was that some of the works are not coming back and that if want to keep ahead of the rest of the world, we are going to have to innovate. Which means keeping colleges are ahead of those of other countries.

    By the way, Romney said that on the first day he is in office he will label China as a currency manipulator. Also on that first day he will repeal Obama care. He will also reform taxes. Sounds like such a busy day that he won't have time to attend the inaugural ball!


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