Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Lately I have some problems with Obama which I believe will hurt his legacy.  I understand that second terms are more difficult as scandals are more likely the longer you are in office.  There are also change of advisers.  Your supporters are no longer worrying about your reelection but more about their own future.  Having said that it still appears to me that Obama is not doing well in his second term.  I understand there would be glitches with the unveiling of Obamacare.  But given his campaigns ran so well with the help of technology geeks, how is is possible that the tech work is so poor with Obamacare.  This is his signature legislation, you would think he would personally be sure that any problems will be reported to him.  So he cannot plead ignorance.  He has to take responsibility for at least bad management and not lay all the blame on his secretary of health. 

The same with the international spying.  I understand every country spies on its enemies AND friends.  So it is a bit of hypocritical for all these countries to accuse the U.S. of spying on them.  But the White House cannot claim that nobody there knows that foreign leaders like Merkle has her cell phone tapped.  If this is the work of some stupid agent, put it out there.  But I cannot believe that Obama would not know this before Snowden did.  If we are not doing anything that our allies are not doing then Obama needs to say so himself.  I personally don't know the value of tapping the German chancellor's personal cell phone unless it is trying to get info why Germany is doing better than us economically!  In any case, with Obamcare and this spying problem, it is time for Obama is get better focus on his managing skills and say "the buck stops here!"

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