Wednesday, July 16, 2014

I see that Dick Cheney is calling Obama the worst president in history.  I will call out Cheney and others with the same view their credential as historians.  Are they such experts in our presidents that they know how good Fillmore. Pierce, and Garfield were?  I believe such claims have racist overtones.  There were 43 white president and they think that Obama is worse than all of them?  I don't think Obama is the best president ever but he is way better than George Bush for sure.

Let say Obama was elected before Bush.  Let say  during Obama administration 9/11 happens, the economy collapses, we invade Iraq and thus taking our eye off Afghanistan and allowing bin Laden to escape and the war causes a trillion dollars and thousands of American lives.   Let say during the Bush administration bin Laden is killed, the economy revives and the wars are over.  If all of the above are true, would any of these Obama haters call Bush the worst president in history?  I think we should ask Dick Cheney this question and see what lies he comes up with.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Well, I don't know how I would grade Obama yet. I think he's done some good things and some bad things.

    I am more upset with the divide in this country between the two parties. Every little thing and each side blames the other.

    All of the sudden, this "crisis" with the immigrants is Obama's fault. True, his administration hasn't done much, but there are no good answers here.

    I am pretty sure most people wanted our troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Well, we started pulling out and all of the sudden terrorists started to take over parts of Iraq. Is it really Obama's fault this is happening?

    Unfortunately, I am afraid that this divide will only get worse as each side tries to out-do the other. Just a few days ago, a congressman in Arizona decided to make a spectacle of himself regarding the immigrant situation.

    But instead of really thinking before acting, he mistook a bus of YMCA kids as a bus of immigrants. When he was confronted about it, he didn't even come clean and admit he had made a horrible mistake. Do we really want people like this representing us?



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