Sunday, July 24, 2016

Both Trump and Clinton went with the safe choice in selecting their running mate.  Pence is a lot less controversial choice than Gingrich or Christie.  Kaine is a better choice than Warren or someone close to Sander's ideology.  Trump had to shore up his conservative base and Pence helps with that.  But he does not help in attracting independents.  Clinton is betting that she does not need someone like Warren to shore up the left base and Kaine will be more palatable to the independents.  Also Virginia is a battleground state and Indiana is on the GOP side.  So I think overall Kaine helps Clinton more than Pence helps Trump.

Again this week it will not be worthwhile to watch the Democratic convention.  They will be blasting Trump as the GOP blasted Clinton last week.  From the summaries I watched last week, it seems that it was more fear provoking but very little substance.  I doubt the Democrats will bring more substance this week.  I do think if they use "celebrities", they can come up with someone better than Scott Baio!  I am also sure they are not going to be missing their top politicians like the GOP missing out on the Bushes, Romney, McCain and even the host governor Kaisich.  One person that I thought would have showed up was Sarah Palin.  She was a big Trump supporter and blasted Ryan and Cruz on Trump's behalf.   She is a Tea Party favorite.  I wonder why she was not there?


  1. I don't know if Pence is considered a safe choice. I do think that both candidates are the boring choices. Pence is a social conservative, so he's going to alienate the moderates who considered Trump.

    I think Kaine is quite moderate, so this should help with those that were on the fence. The question is whether the progressives (I hate how that term is used for liberals) will vote for Clinton. They obviously won't vote for Trump. It'll be interesting to see how much Sanders can help Clinton. I'm assuming that his followers will listen to what he has to say.

    As of yesterday, he was still endorsing Clinton and is anti-Trump, so I don't see the split in the party lasting very long. How dumb do you have to be these days to put something on email and not expect it to be leaked? There were rumors that the system was rigged, but you would think that people in the party would have been more cautious.

    Interesting that Palin did not show up. I didn't know that. I don't know if she's been in the public eye as much recently with all her family problems. Maybe she was told to stay away.

    If Romney entered the race as an independent, would you vote for him over the other two?


  2. Well, Pence is a safer choice than Gingrich or Christie. I am sure Trump made an overture to Kasich but was rebuffed. Trump did not have many choices so at least Pence shore up the conservatives for him.

    The email thing is very dumb. Dumber yet is to accuse the Russians helping Trump by hacking the Democrats. If you don't have prove, don't make the accusations. This would only help Trump. Just keep saying that Trump likes Putin and that is why he is against NATO. That is an opinion based on what Trump said and does not need prove.

    I actually like Romney better than Clinton. I would have to see if his positions are different than 4 years ago where he had to be close to the GOP platform. He may still be beholden to that platform even if he runs as an independent because his supporters are still Republicans. Also this race is sort of a referendum on Obama. I will write about his overall performance after he leaves office. But overall I think he did a good job and if I vote for Romney this time it would seem that I regretted my vote 4 years ago which is not the case.


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