Sunday, October 09, 2016

After the debate tonight, I am thinking of not bothering to watch the final debate.  There is very little substance to the debates and so much yelling and screaming.  I think they should have let the audience asked all the questions and when someone does not answer the question but veer off to talking points, the questioner should be able to yell at Trump or Clinton to get back to the question.  I think an audience questioner would be able to get the candidates to answer the question better than the moderators.  It was boring to watch and frustrating to see that this election is fought in the gutters.

Trump had to stop the bleeding from the tape scandal this week.  In the beginning he comes across as not being contrite at all.  By saying Bill Clinton was worse, he only appealed to the base.  Nobody else should think that that was a good excuse.  After that he settled down and did much better than the first debate.  But I don't think the debate is going to help him win back any voters he may have lost this week.  And the comment that once he is in office, he would prosecute and jail Clinton comes off as something a third world dictator would do.  But of course he can only be a dictator and fire everybody he doesn't like.  He can never function as a leader of a democracy.

I don't think the debate changed any minds tonight.  So any change in the polls in the next few days will be more related to the tape scandal than what happened tonight.  It will be interesting to see if and how much the polls change.  I find it ironic that the guy in the tape with Trump is a cousin of George and Jeb Bush. 


  1. Anonymous7:54 AM

    I did not get a chance to watch much of the debate. I was at my parents' because my dad had a flat tire. I was going to put air in it, but the tire did not look good, so I called AAA and had them put on the spare.

    The parts that I did see were pretty much what I expected, though I did find Trump pacing around and standing directly behind Clinton a little weird. I suspect that was a strategy on his part. I think he came out swinging and tried to intimidate Clinton, which I don't think happened. I'm a little surprised that Clinton did not refer to the 4 women that were part of the press conference earlier.

    It seems right now, that her campaign is playing it safe and not trying to say anything that will cause her any points.

    As far as Trump goes, I wasn't really shocked by the tape. I kind of wonder who leaked it. I'm not really shocked by the outrage either. I kind of feel bad for Billy Bush who seemed to really be egging him on. Listen, I've heard this kind of "locker room talk" before from other people. I don't know if the people who did this kind of talk really meant what they said.

    I don't know if Trump really meant what he said. I do think he is a bragger and maybe part of it is to boost his ego or to compensate. He did say in the tape that he failed to get Nancy O'Dell in bed, which I'm surprised he admitted.

    So, I don't know if any of those comments made any of his supporters leave him. I'm sure that even if Trump killed someone with his bare hands that his supporters wouldn't care.

    And I think the only reason there were some republican supporters who said they were distancing themselves was because they're trying to save their own hides. I for one didn't realize that McCain had backed him earlier after what Trump said about him.


  2. My wife and daughter thought it was creepy for Trump to walk behind Clinton. Apparently that did not play well with some women debate watchers. I think he failed to close the gender gap. Clinton did not respond about the 4 women which I thought was smart. She did not let Trump get under her skin so that shows that she has the better temperament.

    I have heard lot of "locker room talks" as well. But usually the person is bragging about his ability to seduce women, not being rejected like Trump or using his power to molest a woman. So I am not sure he would get even the Don Juan votes here.

    I am sure Trump's die hard supporters will stick by him no matter what. But his chances are picking up independents after this weekend are much slimmer. New poll shows Clinton up by 11 points. She was only up by 3 last week. I am sure it will come back closer in the next 3 weeks. But it is getting almost impossible for Trump to make up such a big difference. That is why people like Paul Ryan are abandoning him as the GOP does not want to lose Congressional seats because Trump's toxic influence. With more GOP resources going toward down ballot races, less help will be on the way for Trump.


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