Tuesday, January 31, 2017

I have finally calm myself down over Trump's executive order to ban people from certain countries from entering the U.S. and stop accepting refugees to write about this.  This is the worst decision since Bush sent troops to Iraq.  The similarity is that Bush didn't know anything and trusted Cheney and the neocons.  Now Trump doesn't understand the world at all and trusts Bannon and the alt right to make decisions for him. 

I can't think of any attacks on U.S. soil being perpetrated by a citizen from any of those countries that are banned.  So how is this going to make us safer?  San Bernardino, Boston, Miami all those attacks are by home grown terrorists.  Just this week, Quebec experienced a terrorist attack so maybe Trump should stop French Canadian nationalists from coming here!  As was the war in Iraq, this action will help ISIS and other terrorist groups recruit.  We will be in more danger than ever. 

I can see the bad guys are going to be able to recruit more people within the U.S. to attack.  It won't matter that we prevent people from coming in.  There are plenty of people who can be radicalized here and Trump is helping to make this happen.  A vicious cycle may happen:  A few Muslim Americans became Jihadists, American public became even more scared, Trump doubles down and order internment of Muslims, the world becomes angry at the U.S. as a whole and attacks against American businesses abroad occurs, the world economy tanks and people become more fearful etc.

It is not just terrorism, but the average American view of immigrant issues are wrong.  I am tired of immigrants being made scapegoats for the ills of America.  The truth is that the intellectual immigrants outshine the intellectual Americans.  Look at the high percentage of immigrants working in Silicon Valley.  Will we still be at the top of tech world if not for immigrants.  At the other end of the scale, immigrant workers do the dirty work Americans don't want to do.  They work harder for lower wages making the products from this country more competitive.  Trump says immigrants are rapists and criminals but I bet immigrants have lower crime rate than Americans in the same socioeconomic class.  Every dynasty and empire in history of the world have died off.  Our only chance is that we get new blood from other countries to keep pushing us to improve.  Without immigrants, this country will lose its empire just like all those before it.

I am rooting for the Falcons.  I have lost respect for Brady for backing up Trump.  This explain deflategate and all other controversies the Patriots have been involved in over the years.  I had rooted for Brady all these years because he was an underdog through out college and was a low draft choice.  Plus he was from Michigan.  But throwing the cell phone away when being investigated?  Refusing to answer why he supported for Trump?  It shows maybe he is similar to Trump--Rules don't apply to him.  If you have been picking against the Falcons, don't change now because you may jinx them.


  1. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Well, in my head, I think New England will win. I think that the experience will help. However, I will say that all season, Atlanta has played on a higher level. They are also lucky that this year, they will be playing in a dome for the Super Bowl. Two high powered offenses and two really good defenses. I am thinking this will be a lower scoring game than most people will think. So look for a score in the 20's. I will say New England 24, Atlanta 20. Though I will be rooting for the Falcons, so let's hope for a late touchdown by Atlanta to win it 24 to 27!

    So what do you think of the Supreme Court nominee. I was a little surprised that it wasn't a more conservative choice. He basically picked Scalia-light. I'm hoping he'll be more of justice in the mold of Kennedy, but we will see.

    I see that DeVos made it through to the next level in confirmation. This will get interesting because I read that 2 republicans who were on the committee said even though they voted her through, that they will not vote for her. A lot can change from now til then. That means that one more republican needs to vote against her.

    I also read that Trump will not overturn the LGBT legislation that Obama put in, so that's encouraging.


    1. I don't know anything about the Supreme court nominee other than what I read since his nomination. So he is not the most extreme conservative possible which may indicate that Trump is trying get confirmation without a prolonged fight. I agree with Lindsey Graham who voted for Obama's nominees because he said elections have consequences. So I would return the favor and say this guy, not being the most extreme, should be confirmed. In any case, he basically replaces Scalia so the make up of the court is no different than before Scalia died. As long as Kennedy is the deciding vote, I think the LGBT community is still in good shape regardless what Trump thinks.

      So two GOP senators are going to vote against DeVos so that makes it 50-50 at this point if neither side has any more defections. Pence will break the tie so the odds are that DeVos will still get confirmed if no filibuster is allowed. But all it takes is one senator who wants a favor from Trump and Trump does not want to grant it for the nomination to die.

  2. Anonymous6:49 AM

    It will be interesting to see if those senators hold true to their word. If that is the case, then it will be more interesting to see if anyone on either side flips. Someone that worked for Governor Snyder has taken a job with Pence's office. I don't know if it has to do with anything but I'm sure both senators from Michigan will vote against DeVos.

    I will give credit where it is due and that I will say that I like Trump going to pay respects to the Navy SEAL yesterday.



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