Thursday, April 06, 2017

One day after I asked the question: It is not so easy when you are the president, is it?   Trump makes it look easy by firing 50 tomahawk missiles on the air base that launched the chemical attack.  I should have said it is easy to do a one and done attack.  The question is, does Trump have a long range plan follow up to this that will make a difference.  I doubt it.

In retrospect, I should have seen this coming.  Just because he and Tillerson said that we will leave Syria alone and look out for our own interest first, I should not be surprised that Trump would do this.  This is a relatively safe operation.  No U.S. military people are at risk.  The chances of civilian casualties are low even though there maybe fake civilian casualties on tv tomorrow.  But of course it is not going to change anything in Syria.  It won't even stop chemical attacks because the chemicals are still there.  Assad just have to use a different delivery system, maybe even other planes in other airfields.  So we basically spent tens of millions of dollars (Tomahawks are not cheap) to beat our own chest and shout we are strong.

But beating his own chest is something that Trump likes to do.  He is basically a immature young man still and this is perfect for him.  To him it is a video game but with real ammunition and destruction.  He talked about how seeing beautiful babies being killed by chemical weapons and it affected him to act.  Well,  in 2013 the attacks were bigger but he tweeted that we should not get involved.  So I doubt that he is doing this because of seeing the carnage.  I think it is an opportunity for him to get an easy victory after all the problems of the first 100 days.  It also draws attention away from all the Russian influence problems.  Like dictators all over, when in trouble at home, attack some enemy to arouse nationalism and get people behind you.  That is the reason for this attack, not humanitarian reasons.   If humanitarian reasons are in his mind, it would be more useful to the Syrians for Trump to lift the ban of refugees.

I find it interesting that it is reported that Trump gave the Russians a heads up before the attack because there were Russians on the base.  Wouldn't that risk the Russians tipping off the Syrians and move the planes.  Even if the Russians don't say anything the fact they high tailed it out of there would look very suspicious to the Syrians.  And what will Putin's response be?  Trump was also hosting Xi Jinping today.  What will China's reaction be?

The only thing that may be good in this is that it gives a warning to Iran, Syria and even North Korea that Trump can change his mind and attack any time. Dictators want to survive and  so they may back off some.  But they also know that history shows that the U.S. will always win the first strikes because of overwhelming military power.  But that does not mean mission accomplish as George Bush found out.


  1. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I was a little surprised that they launched a missile attack yesterday, even though all signs pointed towards one. We will see what the future holds. There is a lot of conflicting information out there. Things like was Russia informed or not. I have yet to hear anything from the administration and even if I did, I am not sure if I would believe it.

    I think I had said before that to watch out for a war, especially if his poll numbers are low. It's a classic move. I'm interested to see what the public thinks of the attack. I think people are for it, since they saw the horrific pictures. Though I think it's hypocritical to say that we must help the Syrian people after not letting them into the country. So to me, this is just a show of military might and showing that he's not scared to use them. The thing is, we have troops in Syria right now and this puts them in danger. Especially if we end up killing innocent civilians. I'm not sure if an attack on one airstrip will do anything. The video footage I saw of the airstrip didn't seem horrific. You'd think over 50 missiles would do more damage.

    I'm still disturbed that when Obama wanted to use the military, congress didn't back him. And now, members and the president are accusing Obama of being weak on Syria.

    I haven't heard much from the Chinese president. But I'm also still wondering why they are meeting in Florida and not in Washington.

    Did you ever see the movie Wag the Dog?


  2. There are at least two opposite conservative movements battling for the ears of Trump in foreign policy. One side wants to revive the neocon movements of the Bush Cheney years and get rid of dictators we don't like. On the other side is the alt right movement that wants to look inward and don't get involved in foreign lands. The fact that Bannon lost power and Trump bombed Syria maybe an indication of neocons are coming back. But I don't know. And I don't think Trump does either. I don't think he has ever thought out anything remotely resembling a coherent foreign policy. He may be changing back and forth and sideways for the next four years.

    I have not seen the movie Wag the Dog. I understand that it was a movie about a president who created a fake crisis to take attention away from his scandals? Trump may not have created the crisis but he certainly changed his policy over night so that it makes him look strong and turn attention away from his administration's problems. I am sure he did not do this for humanity reasons.

    El nino finally won a major. Sergio Garcia was dubbed the next great golfer when he was a teenager. But then he became the greatest golfer not to win a major. He finally got that monkey off his back today. I suppose the Maria Hingis jinx is finally gone!


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