Sunday, June 11, 2017

I don't think the Comey hearing changed many minds.  If you believed Trump obstructed justice, the hearing reinforced it.  If you don't then Comey didn't persuade you. There has been a parade of experts who went on CNN and argued about whether Trump obstructed.  Some were quoting sections of the law and I find the language confusing.  One reason people don't like lawyers, I supposed!  But to me, whether he obstructed in terms of the law is not the important thing.  I think he acted like a third world dictator by firing Comey because he was investigating Russia.  He even said it himself.  Despite what his supporters said, Trump did not fire Comey for his performance before that because in that case he could have fired him long before he had private meetings with Comey.  If you are going to fire the guy, why would you have private meetings with him?  So you can argue that Trump has the right to fire Comey.  But it still makes him look like a dictator.

Couple of weeks ago, Trump came back from his trip declaring great things done abroad.  Well, he was seen kissing up to the Saudis and he thinks that is going to help the situation in the Middle East.  Well, this week, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and the UAE got together and isolated Qatar.  They kicked out Qatari diplomats and not allowed transportation by air or sea into Qatar.  This is supposedly because of Qatar's support of terrorism.  Talking about the kettle calling the pot black!  Saudi Arabia and Egypt have done way more support of terrorism than Qatar.  The reason for this is because al -Jazeera which is based in Qatar has been an advocate of the Arab Spring which these countries' governments hate.  Qatar also has close ties to Iran which these countries hate.  So they are trying to give Qatar a big lesson.

Trump supports Saudi Arabia and tweeted his approval of this.  I am not sure he realizes that Qatar is home of the largest U.S. base in the area.  If Qatar is driven more toward Iran it can mean danger to our troops stationed there.  At the very least, we may lose the base.  This does not help fight terrorism but will make the area even more unstable.  Instead of trying to get the two sides to reconcile, Trump is flaming the issues with his statements.  Another example of lack of knowledge of the world that is making things more dangerous for us.


  1. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Yeah, I didn't watch the whole thing but I think Comey pretty much said what I thought he said and the reaction from both sides was predictable. It'll be interesting to see if anything shakes out of this. Heck, I don't even know why Sessions is testifying this week.

    I don't know much about the situation with the Saudis and Qatar. There are so many twists and turns that I have no clue who is on our side anymore. Maybe Trump will tweet out news that we are moving our base to Saudi Arabia, just like he is going to move the embassy in Israel. Oh wait, I guess that didn't happen.


  2. Funny you should talk about moving the base to Saudi Arabia. It was the bases in Saudi Arabia during the Gulf war that bin Laden used as an example of westerners taking over Arab territories that helped recruit for al Queda. Never mind it was Muslims invading Muslims that made those bases necessary. So while many people in Saudi Arabia do not like the presences of American troops, Qataris seem more receptive. But I am sure Trump doesn't understand this and I would not be surprised if what you say about his tweet turns out to be prophetic.


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