Sunday, July 16, 2017

 Been away this week and so have not been keeping up with the news.  So I have not read carefully about Trump Jr. and his meeting with the Russians.  But my initial reaction is that with so much happened already and the Trump core supporters are still supporting him, this will not affect anything.  We are just going to have to wait for Robert Mueller's investigation to be completed and see where this goes.

But I am struck that Trump Jr. was so willingly to meet with the Russians to gain an advantage over Clinton.  As a business man doesn't he know that if someone gives you something, he expects something in return now or in the future.  Russia is an arch enemy of the U.S. so even to listen to a deal from Russia strikes me as naive at least.  But I would say that he is taking his father's interest over that of the country.  If someone disagree with this, consider what would happen if a Chinese American was running for political office and he accepts invitation from China to discuss aid from that country.  I am sure there will be people calling him a traitor.  And I don't buy that Trump Sr. did not know this meeting took place.  As I said before, if this whole thing with the Russians is nothing, why would he fire Comey?


  1. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Welcome back. I was wondering what had happened to you. I thought maybe you were deported or something. I hope you didn't get dragged off or bumped from a flight!

    I think you are forgetting that Trump and his family have had relations with Russians (people, not government, maybe) in the past. Even when they say they didn't, you've gotta think that there's some sort of comfort in dealing with people from Russia. I am not saying there are ties to the government, but it's probable. There may or may not be a direct line to Putin, but like any lobbyist here, there are ties to the government.

    So it doesn't surprise me that they tried to find out information. The timing is peculiar, since Trump Sr. did say he had stuff on Clinton the same day, and that info never came out. So it's an easy connect the dots. Now, the whole thing is probably not illegal but it may be unethical. But hey, you're trying to win an election, so you do whatever it takes, right?

    So to me, it wouldn't matter if it was the Russians or the Chinese. Either are just as bad, but it would be interesting to see what the backlash would be if it was someone from China.

    Oh, and I don't know why Sr. would deny any involvement. He had to know since the meeting took place in his own building, which to me, was a mistake.


  2. So the GOP attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare appears to be dead in the senate. It is easy to complain about something but it is a lot more difficult to do it better yourself. As Trump himself discovered, healthcare is complicated. So is everything about governing. It is even more difficult when you have ties to the country's arch enemy!


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