Sunday, August 13, 2017

Been away for awhile and just returned.  Frankly I had to take a break from all the mess that is Trump.  But with what happened yesterday in Virginia and Trump's response to it, I have to comment.  Even Republicans are complaining that Trump's speech on the violence was poor.  Here is a guy who screams about everything but has very little to say about this racist and violent event.  While his staff and daughter are condemning neonazis KKK etc. today, Trump is absolutely quiet.  Frankly I am not surprised.

Trump complains about everybody who is not helpful to him.  So people who are his allies but has not helped him much are blasted.  McConnell and Sessions are just the most recent.  But he has nothing but good things to say about Putin.  Even when Putin ejected American embassy staffs from Russia, Trump thanked him!  He let Russian press into the WH while barring American press.  Why?  The same now with the white racists groups.   He even put an alt-right leader, Bannon, in the WH.  So why would I be surprised that he doesn't want to name these groups as responsible for violence and bigotry?  It is obvious to me that Trump owes the Russians and the white racists groups.  That is why he is bombastic against everyone else but is scared of Putin and white racists groups.  I hope Mueller gets to the bottom of this before the next election!


  1. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Welcome back. I heard that you were trying to stop North Korea from bombing Guam. Is that true or are was that fake news?

    Speaking of fake news, I came across this article, which I am assuming is real, but you never know. I'm not sure why this guy would be marching with these people.

    As you know, there's a candidate in Michigan that is running for senate. She was a big Trump supporter and is also Jewish. I wonder how she can still align herself with Trump after all this. It's clear that he is aligning himself with neo nazis. So is this politics as usual or is there a moral line that needs to be crossed before minds are changed?


  2. Well, there are crazy people in all races. So I am sure there are Asians who are on the sides of neo-Nazis. There is a black guy who is a mouth piece of Trump on CNN, although he did not show up when I watched this weekend. Instead they had a black guy who represented young Republicans. He condemned the racists and Trump's inaction. He believes in conservatism but he doesn't think Trump represents true conservatives. I think if he is part of the future of the Republicans and not people like David Duke, then we have hope yet.

    Trump's attempt to condemn the racists were late and do not sound sincere. He started the speech by touting the economic progress under his administration. I think that was low class and shows he still doesn't get it. I would not be surprised if the senate candidate in Michigan doesn't speak out against Trump. I mean, Jared Kushner, his son in law, has not said anything either. How do you not condemn anti-Semites when your son in law and thus your grandchildren are Jewish?


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