Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Just came back from a trip to Sequoia National Park on the way to SF.  Not my cup of tea to trek through the snow.  But it is a magnificent to see these great trees.  A reminder of the wonderful things in this country.  Hopefully these remain for generations to come.

Back to reality.  I understand that Trump had come up with a great healthcare plan to replace Obamacare while I was away.  But he won't reveal it until after the 2020 election.  If the plan is so good for Americans,  wouldn't it be hurting Americans by delaying its implementation?  Come on!  Tell us what you got, Mr. President.  Or is it just more BS?

The President also threatens to shut off the border.  Wait until the agricultural businesses lose tons of money when their produce perish at the border.  Wait till the automakers had to shut down plants because parts cannot come from Mexico.  Maybe this is the plan that Trump will implement after 2020, when he has one more month in office as a lame duck.

I did not know that Trump's father was born in Germany!  I would think that we would have known that.  Well, at least Donald would know, right?  I can understand someone wants to lie to gain an advantage.  But I don't see how lying about your father was born a German is beneficial to Trump.  But I guess if someone lies frequently, he just can't help it.

If Donald's father was born in Germany, maybe we should ask to see the President's birth certificate.  Then ask again after seeing it and repeat the process.  After all, anyone who has a father born in another country must not have been born in the U.S. himself!  I don't think Trump was born in Germany even though he claims his father was from there.  But Moscow, maybe?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:55 AM

    POTUS looks like he is in campaign mode, which seems kind of silly to me right now. He has no challengers in his party, so there's no reason to go around the country and try to hype up the base. I'm not even sure what he's doing, by saying crazy things during these speeches and then of course the things he said this week in DC.

    Oh well, nobody from his base will call him out on it and they frankly don't care. I met a couple of Trump supporters last week and they are very nice people. One of them went to the campaign rally in Grand Rapids last week too. The only thing as an outsider that I find funny is that a lot of that base is screaming about Joe Biden's weird obsession with smelling hair and rubbing shoulders. We've all seen him do it. Heck, he's done it with men too. I'm not condoning it, but he at least isn't doing it as sexual domination. Well, at least I don't think he's doing it.

    Plus, I applaud him for owning up to it and saying he'll do better. I haven't heard from the accuser after Biden made the statement. But she seems pretty radical to these types of causes.

    POTUS also backtracked on closing the border. It's too bad that he doesn't think before he speaks. Though maybe it's a calculated risk by making these extreme statements so that his base will get fired up, even if he backs away. Even this health care thing is just weird. If you have a plan, tell us what it is. You're going to wait over a year to do it while people suffer? I highly doubt there's a plan.

    I would love to see the national park one of these days. I hear it's breathtaking.



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