Thursday, September 05, 2019

I was not home last night so didn't watch the town hall of Democratic candidates on CNN.  Just as well since all 10 candidates got 40 minutes and so the whole thing went on for several hours.  No way could anyone watch the whole thing.  I watched excerpts of each candidates after I got home last night.  So here is my take on the event based on somewhat limited information.

I think the format made everyone looked good.  There was only one topic: climate change.  So it is easy to prepare what you are going to say ahead of time and be able to answer any questions that may come up.  There was nobody attacking you, like at a debate.  Instead of one or two minutes, like at a debate, you have much more time to make your view or ideas more clear.  So it helps everyone participating look good.

I think this helps someone like Yang the most, if people choose to watch while he is on.  During the debates, I felt he was called on less often than some of the other candidates.  He was also not as loud as some others.  His ideas need more explanation than can be done in one minute.  His humor also came through more last night.  So I think he did well.

Not surprising, Klobuchar was the most moderate and Sanders the most radical.  His 16 trillion price tag was 13 trillion more than that of Warren.  Booker was also more moderate than expected, saying nuclear power is not off the table as many progressives demanded.  I am actually surprised that this former Stanford football player who is well spoken, is not doing better at the polls.

I thought mayor Pete brought out a good point, asking would God want you to take care of the planet or destroy it?  This maybe helpful to persuade some conservatives who are most likely to be climate change deniers.  It may not work but at least it shows that he is not just preaching to the choir like most of the others were doing.

Of the big three, I think Warren did the best.  She came across as more detail oriented and spoke clearly.  Biden did ok but given the format, I don't think he did great.  There was the question of him attending a fund raiser hosted by an oil executive.  He denied that the man was an oil executive.  It may be semantics but it is not good to have to defend when he should be bringing out policies.  To me Sanders was just too far to the left and not as good a speaker as Warren.  So I declare Warren the winner of the big three.


  1. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I didn't even know this was happening. Then again, I very rarely watch CNN. I still think it's crucial that the Democrats narrow this field down to maybe 5-6 soon. These debates and town halls seem to be either too long or don't give the candidates any time to fully answer. Then they're all talking over each other!

    I don't have much against nuclear power. I think the positives outweigh the negatives. I'm more for nuclear than coal. Luckily I am not running for office, but I'm glad I don't live in a city that depends on both.

    Are you concerned that Biden is not performing well in these things? I guess it doesn't matter a whole lot, but if he starts losing ground to the other candidates, that might be a problem for him. Does a ticket of Biden/Warren or Biden/Klobuchar beat Trump/Pence?

    By the way, did you miss out on Harris? I would be interested to see how she did.


  2. I saw part of each candidate but not much. So with caveat that this is subjective and from a small sample of the town hall, here is my ratings: Booker and Yang at the top, followed by Pete and Warren, in the middle are O'Rourke, Biden, Klobuchar and Harris, with Castro and Sanders bringing up the rear. The difference is minor from one group to the next as they were all well prepared and got plenty of time to make their points. Also it is just one subject.

    Castro talked about environmental racism. I think that will not go over well since if we have climate disasters, we are all going to suffer or die. Look at the mud slide last year that devastated a rich area near Santa Barbara. I understand that poor people suffer more in just about everything. But climate change is one disaster that do not see people's color.

    Harris was similar to Biden, better than Sanders but not as good as Warren. So if she was fourth coming in, she probably stayed there. But if it comes down to a choice of Warren or Harris as the woman candidate, I think Harris is losing ground.


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