Sunday, July 12, 2020

So now ICE is saying that foreign students taking classes at colleges which will be online instead of in person, will be deported.  That is a grossly unfair rule.  The students have no control over a school's decision to shut down physical classes.  The students are already paying way more tuition than Americans and they will not be getting the full education they envisioned when they came to America.  Now they will not even be allowed to stay.  Some of them have already paid deposits for housing already.  

This whole thing is another way for Trump to appeal to his base of xenophobic Americans.  It is not only unfair but is detrimental to the country.  As mentioned the foreign students paying a much higher tuition.  Add to the housing, food and other expenses, they are a big contributor to the U.S. economy.  

The argument that the students are learning and taking technology from the U.S. and bringing it back home is absurd.  There are benefits to the students and their countries but many of them stay and make a big difference in America.  In fact, most STEM graduate programs in the U.S. will not function well without foreign students.  Silicon Valley would be in trouble without foreigners who stayed here.  There is a history of immigrants helping America.  We may not have been the first the get the atomic bomb without immigrants.

So as usual, Trump is blaming immigrants and foreigners for the country's ills.  He is not the first and will not be last.  But he has blame Mexicans for murders and drug problems in this country.  He is blaming China for his incompetence in his handling of the pandemic.

Of course, Trump doesn't just blame foreigners.   He also blames Dr. Fauci for the handling of the pandemic.  Really?  This from the guy who calls this thing a hoax and would suddenly disappear.  The same guy who thinks that he can detergents to get rid of the virus.  It is beyond crazy.


  1. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Yet another thing I don't get why it is happening. If there was no Covid, the students would be here anyways. So why not let them study here and contribute to the economy and still get an education?

    He is just creating more ill-will from people from foreign countries. Sure, they won't be voting for him anyways, but he obviously doesn't understand international relations.

    As far as Fauci is concerned. There has been a huge push by far right groups to discredit Fauci because he hasn't toed the company line. This is all to push Trump's agenda which only makes sense to him and his followers. We've seen how great of a message he's had with calling the virus a hoax and then backtracking. Then saying he won't wear a mask and now he's trying to walk that back and say that he's not against masks. His followers are quick to call people who were pushing for masks sheep, so we'll see what these people will start doing now that their leader was seen wearing one.


  2. He did not look like the Lone Ranger in his mask yesterday! Look at all the sheep following him with mask on! He said yesterday that by increasing the number of tests, more cases are created! This is like testing DNA at a crime scene increases the number of crimes. I am not sure what is more stupid, this comment or the one about drinking disinfectants.


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