Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Soccer has started, NBA players are in Orlando practicing, MLB is getting ready to start in a couple of days.  So it seems that things are going well with the restart of professional sports.  The thing is, all these players are getting tests for COVID-19 frequently, sometimes everyday.  The results are coming back quickly as well, certainly no more than one day.

Meanwhile, here in California and elsewhere, people who are trying to get tested for COVID-19 have to be in line for hours.  Then it may take a week or more for the results to come in.   Isn't there something wrong with our society where healthy, young millionaires are treated so much better than elderly folks or people with health issues so that billion dollar industries can keep going?

Florida, which is now the epicenter of this country, is hosting all of the basketball and soccer teams.  California has five teams in MLB, which has no bubble.  The players will be going home to their family after games and after traveling to other cities.  I just don't see how this is reasonable.  Toronto, which along with Edmonton, is hosting the NHL.  But Toronto refuses to let the Blue Jays play in Toronto.  Does that make much sense even though the NHL is a bubble so there is less traveling?

Back to the guy who is defecting blame for the pandemic, Trump.  Trump bragged about acing a cognitive test.  He was called out by Chris Wallace on Fox.  I have administered such a test to patients in the past.  It is to rule out dementia, not an intelligence test.  So unless you have dementia, you should ace the test.  Trump kept telling Wallace the test is very hard.  When Wallace showed one of the question of identifying an elephant, Trump said the last few questions were difficult.  No they are not.  The questions test things like the date, time and place.  I think most third graders would ace this test.  The fact that Trump keeps saying this is a hard test shows his dishonesty and narcissism.

Chris Wallace is not the liberal that his father was.  But I am surprise how hard he went after Trump, debunking his lies such as Biden signed to defund the police and the U.S. has the lowest mortality rate due to COVID-19.  At least a few Republicans are tired of all the BS that Trump is putting out there. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:30 PM

    You should have waited until after today since I'm sure you have something to say regarding Trump's press conference! I've been complaining about the testing ever since we found out that Trump was being tested every day. I understand since he is POTUS that he needs to be tested but it's obviously available and yet most people do not have the same access.

    So like everything else, the rich or people with connections get all the perks.

    I didn't realize the Maple Leafs were allowed to play. Maybe they DO take hockey more seriously in Canada. I had heard about the Blue Jays not being able to play at home, which doesn't make much sense unless they close the roof in the dome.

    Where they are looking to play is kind of ridiculous as well, since Florida is one of the destinations and it is the epicenter. They're trying to get them to play in Lansing, which is where their one of their affiliates play, but apparently is not one of the choices.

    It will be tough to keep the baseball players from playing in a bubble like basketball. I guess it could be done, but it's probably not cost effective, especially with the season being so long.

    I always assumed Chris Wallace was a conservative since he's on Fox. I was a little shocked to hear that he fact checked Trump during the interview. I am also surprised we didn't see any tweets from Trump calling Wallace names.

    I'm surprised you didn't bring up the situation in Oregon where so-called Federal police were sent in and they grabbed protesters. Plus they don't have name tags. This doesn't seem right. Are these the same guys that were at the Lincoln Memorial a while ago?

    Now, Trump is threatening to send similar "troops" to other cities. I don't see things going very well if they're sent to Detroit or Chicago. Things could get ugly.



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