Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Couple of observation about the blood sport we call election campaigning. Here in California we are inundated by the large number of proposals on the ballot. I thought we have a representative democracy where the people we elected are suppose to make tough decisions on our behalf. Ideas that cannot pass through the legislature and the governor are put on these ballots by people often with narrow agenda. One type of proposals that gets support of the politicians frequently is the ones that raise money for a specific purpose by selling bonds. In this election there are 5 bond proposals on the ballot. They are all endorsed by the legislature and the governor. The reason is that they can raise money without telling the public they are raising taxes. In fact the supporters of all the proposals claim that no new taxes are needed. Of course by selling bonds we have to repay the principle plus interests. I have calculated the total payment of these 5 bond proposals each year to be 2.8 billion. This is per year for 30 years. Somewhere down the line, unless our economy expand to such a degree that tax revenue will cover this cost, or we will have to increase our taxes. Supporters of bonds say that this is like a mortgage where you pay gradually while enjoying the house you need right now. This is true but would you buy 5 houses at a time if you have not pay off your previous houses and you don't have the income to cover the new mortgage payments? So vote for only the bonds that you feel passionate about otherwise think about what it will cause your children over the next 30 years.

The whole thing with the John Kerry debacle is making me more angry against the Bush administration, even though I have been angry ever since the invasion of Iraq. It is obvious to me that Kerry was attempting humor at the expense of Bush. He failed but that in no way make him someone who disrespects the troops. It is despicable that Bush would try to make a big deal out of this. Remeber the time Bush said "Too many OB-GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across the country"? I am sure nobody believed that Bush think OB-GYN doctors are perverts. I would have more respect for him if he took the high road and say something like: "I guess there are people who speak English worse than me!" (should be "worse than I do, not worse than me") Before anyone says that Kerry is the typical elitist liberal who always attack Bush as being unintelligent, I would remind them Bush used his history as a poor student in many of his own jokes. The truth is even most conservative Republican friends of mine have expressed the feeling that Bush is a lightweight when it comes to intellectual pursuits. I think his lack of understanding of history and the world have really hurt his leadership of this country.

I claim to be an independent but I admit I will vote for Democrats almost exclusively this year. The Republicans with their support for Bush (unless one is in a close election then he would criticize Bush) and numerous scandals have turn me off completely. The one big exception is the California governor's race where Phil Angelides is so bad that I will stick with Arnold. Does this mean that I think the Democrats are better? NO! I do believe that power breeds corruption and arrogance. When the Democrats were in control of Congress, there were numerous scandals. Remember the powerful Dan Rostankowski? He got a pardon from Clinton. So don't tell me the Democrats are for the poor. They like to get rich just like the Republicans. And don't tell me the Republicans are for family value. I would not want Foley anywhere near my family. The Republicans are suppose to be against big government but they have increased the size of the government and increased pork since they came to power. So we need a balance of power and until a centrist party comes along, I will hope that the Democrats can win at least one house back this year. Even if this means Nancy Pelosi becomes Speaker.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:00 AM

    What I can't understand is how the Democrats can let Arnold run virtually unopposed. From what I hear, his approval rating is not the greatest. Couldn't they get a Vietnamese immigrant to run against him? What is your opinion of Arnold as a governor anyway? Why don't the Democrats have anyone that can run against him? Are the problems in California too much to handle?

    I have a general idea of whom I am electing here in Michigan. Like the last presidential election, my vote will probably to go the lesser of two evils. The incumbent here has not demostrated an ability to jump start the economy and you have to wonder if she will be able to get anything done in the next four years. How long do you give her to turn things around? However, she did inherit a disaster of an economy when Engler left. The fact is that the state relies so heavily on the auto industry. I don't think anyone would be able to turn the economy around with the way the industry is going.

    On the other side of the ballot is a guy who's been running a pretty good campaign. He's done almost everything right. The thing he failed in is proving that he could do the job. He's shown that he's a government outsider. He's also a businessman. The bad thing is, that his business is formerly Amway, so I don't know if he really counts as a legitimate businessman and it comes across as untrustworthy.

    When I heard Kerry's comments last week I had to laugh. What he says is half true. The only thing is, he should know better than to say it. The guy must have some of the worst handlers. He could have won the last election if he could keep his mouth shut. Instead, he comes across as arrogant and out of touch.

    It's no secret that the military is recruiting almost anyone to join. And it's no surprise that a lot of the kids they find are not the brightest. That is not to say that the military doesn't have some smart people. But the reality is that they're targeting kids that may not be the brightest. If I'm a target, would I really think that joining the Army would be really cool because I get to travel the world and do extreme things like jump out of planes? If you fall for that sales pitch, then you are not that smart.

    As for Bush, the guy comes off as a baffoon, though I am sure he is a lot more smarter than I am. What had drawn him to many is his ability to speak like the guy next door. His downfall is that he can't speak like a competent leader and he has no idea how to handle foreign affairs.



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