Saturday, February 23, 2008

One more blog about guns and race. There is a law in Texas that allows homeowners to shoot any intruders on their property. The idea is that under the old English laws the home is a man's castle. Now a man has taken this law to the extreme and there is actually a lot of people supporting him. This man saw two guys robbing his neighbor's house. He called 911 and reported the crime and then he repeatly asked the dispatcher if he can stop the thieves. The dispatcher repeatly told him to stay in his house and wait for the police. Finally he said that he had a right to protect himself in his house and went outside. There he killed the two men leaving, shooting them in the back. How is that self-defense? He is using this law as his defense. This law didn't give anyone the right to be a vigilante. Even the police would have to warn a suspect before firing. How can an ordinary citizen be allowed to ambush someone from the back? If the gun lobby does not condemn this act it would show that there only care about their so called rights and not true justice.

The dead men were illegals from Colombia. The looked black in the pictures. Whether the man would have shot them if they were white, we would never know. On 20/20 last night there was a segment where 3 white teenagers were destroying a car in a public park. This was a white suburb and many people passed by but only 1 person called 911. In the same park two black teenagers were sleeping in a car and several people called 911 reporting suspicious people in the car. Later 3 black teenagers destroyed a car and many people called 911. These people all said that they would have called 911 if the teens were white. Yet earlier only 1 person had done so when the destroyers were white. Also there is no law against sleeping in the car in a park during daytime so why all the calls for the blacks sleeping?

I still stand by my statement from the last blog that I think there is less prejudice now than forty years ago. But we still stereotype big time. A person who called 911 when he saw two blacks sleeping in the car may welcome a black friend of his children into his house. But deep in his mind unknown blacks are still dangerous. We incarcerate more people than all western nations. Most of them black or Hispanic. We even incarcerate more people per capita than China, a nation with a poor human rights record. Yet we are less safe in our streets than in any western nation. I am not saying that gun control is the answer but arming everbody and passing so called self-defense laws like the one in Texas, are certainly not the right answers.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Wow. I'm a bit shocked about that story of the guy in Texas. I would like to know if this guy was a card carrying member of the NRA. I think he was just chomping at the bit to use that gun of his! The thing is, the burgulars were in his neighbor's yard, weren't they? I could see if they were on his property he'd have a case but in his neighbor's? How did he know that the neighbor didn't hire some illegals to clean out his house for him (I'm joking, kind of).

    I'm sure there's a lot of stereotyping that people don't admit to. It happens. Heck, when I see a slow driver I automatically think, that the person is either old or asian!



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