Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Rick Santorum has quit before the Pennsylvania primary. I had predicted that this may well happen because there was a good chance that he would lose Pennsylvania. If he had lost his home state, not only was he finished for this election but maybe out of any future election as well. Remember he had lost his senate reelection bid in 2006 by a wide margin. So it was not like he was popular even within his own state. That is why he surprised many people, including myself when he came in second in this nomination campaign. By dropping out now after a relative good showing, he can claim to be the torch bearer for the conservative wing of the Republicans in 2016. Like Romney, who came in second in 2008, Santorum may well get the support of the Republican establishment in 2016. This is assuming that Romeny will lose to Obama, which I am sure Santorum is counting on. So this is an expected and good move for Santorum. And if he was to lose Pennsylvania, then his career in national politics would have been over.

My question now is would conservatives hate Romney so much that they run behind Gingrich and help him win Texas? Now that would be an embarrassment for Romney and a disaster for the Republican establishment!


  1. Anonymous7:44 AM

    I still don't understand how he was able to get so many votes and supporters in surrounding and midwest states, especially with a shortage of support at home.

    Were voters blinded that Santorum had a chance or did they feel strongly about him based on his campaign?

    It will be interesting to see how well he does in 2016. Sounds like 2016 will be a huge year.

    Also, does this mean that Santorum will not help Romney win the election so that he has the chance to win it in 2016?

    I really don't understand what Newt is doing, but I guess if he gains some momentum in Texas, it can be a whole new game, but he's way behind and there's really no chance for him.

    Did I read correctly that Santorum is Catholic? How did he get the evangelicals to vote for him???


  2. Well, Santorum benefited from the "Anyone but Mitt syndrome". First it was Bachmann, then it was Perry, then it was Cain, then it was Gingrich. By the time all of these people flamed out, Santorum, whom nobody had paid attention to, is the last one standing for the conservatives. So whoever is the conservative favorite at the time to beat Romney, automatically got one third of the vote. So it is not like there is a lot of people who think highly of Santorum. The evangelicals are some of the people who do think highly of Santorum because he is the most outspoken one about abortion and gays (after Bachmann was eliminated--which was why I had called him Bachmann light).

    He may pretend to help Romney. Romney is trying to get Santorum's supporters to be on his side. That is why he claims that he is considering Santorum to be vp. He would be a fool to do that. Santorum will hurt him in the swing states and despite the conservatives hatred for Romney, they will vote for him against Obama anyway even if he picks a moderate.

    Santorum believes that Romney will lose and then he will be the front runner in 2016. He called Romney the worst candidate to go against Obama. He is wrong of course but that is what he believes.

  3. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Looking back, I'm surprised that he was able to capture all those votes and not Gingrich. Seems to me that the sex rumors with Newt hurt him and no one ever gave him another chance.

    It just amazes me that Santorum was able to stay in the race so long with hardly any money. And I've always thought that the evangelicals were against any Catholic candidates. But maybe there have always been more noticeable Catholics on the Democrat side.

    On a side note, do you think it is necessary or helpful for a 40 year old male to start using baby aspirin? This person has taken fish oil and a daily vitamin for a couple of years now, but some recent family scares has him thinking of taking baby aspirin.


  4. Remember Gingrich was getting more votes than Santorum. He won South Carolina. But after that Romney concentrated his effort of negative ads against Gingrich. This knocked out Gingrich quickly because he has so many skeletons in the open (not closet) that it was easy to turn off the conservatives. Then Santorum became the conservative favorite and stayed so longer despite Romney started hitting him hard because he was the last one standing and did not have as much baggage as Gingrich did.

    As for the 40 year old, has he had yearly physical exams and blood tests? Family history is a risk factor but how aggressive in prevention of diseases will depend on what if any other risk factors, such as high blood pressure, cholesterol or diabetes, are involved. The risk and benefits of any medication also has to be taken into account. Aspirin can cause stomach problems and bleeding. Has this person had any of these problems before or any of the risks besides family history? For example I have not taken aspirin yet because I do have some stomach problems at times. But given the family history this man should definitely have a physical and blood tests if he has not had one in the past year.


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