Monday, September 23, 2013

Before the expected battle to shut down the government in D.C. this week, I will talk about something light:  the Emmy.  Well, the Emmy turn out not so light either with all the tributes to the dead and arguments who should have gotten individual tributes.  Even the bit about the great 60s tv involved the JFK killing.  Carrie Underwood sang the most melancholy of Beatles songs:  Yesterday!  It was a depressing show.

My favorite show Breaking Bad won as did my favorite comedy Modern Family.  Also the Colbert Report finally edged out the Daily Show which I think is long overdue.  But there were surprises as Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul did not win.  I have no idea who the guy that beat out Paul is.  I have not watched Boardwalk Empire.  But I have watched Newsroom and I am familiar with Jeff Daniels' work.  I don't think he was as good as Cranston in BB.  I found out the rule was each person was nominated for a particular episode.  So Daniels won on the basis of the premier where he made this long speech about why America is not greatest nation on earth.  That was a great performance but I am not sure one episode should decide who is the best over a years' worth of performances.  By the way, that speech is a good starting point for a blog, if anyone is interested.  The Newsroom, I think, is too left wing oriented.  This is not surprising given its creator Aaron Sorkin's history with the West Wing. 

I hear Dexter's finale was a disappointment.  I am not going to read anything else about it since I will get the DVD when it comes out on Netflix and see for myself.  But as I said before, it is difficult for a great show to end on a great note. Breaking Bad's finale is this coming Sunday.  I hope it can meet expectations.

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