Sunday, January 28, 2018

The State of the Union address is going to be in two days.  So something interesting may come out and to be written about.  But I kind of doubt it.  So I will write something now and then see if anything is worthwhile to write about in two days.

Pretty sure Trump is going to brag about the stock market and the economy.  As a stock investor, I hope the market keeps going up even it would help Trump.  But I doubt that it will continue to climb.  The corporate tax decrease and loosening of regulations by Trump and the GOP congress will have a positive effect for a short period.  But there are many factors in the global economy for it to keep going up.  But Trump will milk it for all its worth.

The Democrats will have Joseph Kennedy III, congressman from Mass.  to give the rebuttal.  I hope he has something new and inspiring to say.  I also hope he is not given the role because of his name.  I thought somebody like Tammy Duckworth, senator from Illinois, would have been a better choice.  She has been in politics longer.  She is a female minority.  She is a war heroine.  She just called Trump a draft dodger without getting a rebuttal from Trump.  So to me she would be a perfect candidate to rebut Trump's speech.


  1. Anonymous6:10 AM

    I doubt I'll even watch the State of the Union. I very rarely watched past presidents, because it's a grand standing thing for the cameras. Nothing educational comes out of it and of course you have one side giving a standing ovation and the other sits there.

    I'm sure that this will be the inauguration Trump, where his speech is written for him so that he sounds more measured than Twitter Trump. I guess I'll just have to wait on your take.

    One thing I don't like more than the State of the Union is the rebuttal. So I guess it doesn't matter who does it to me, though I always think it should be someone like the minority whip. But they always roll out some up and comer or a senator no one knows about. While Kennedy has the name recognition, they can't be grooming him for a run, can they?


  2. You are right. I did not watch either. After watching excerpts, it looks like he bragged a lot as expected. He claimed to want to help the dreamers but at the same time trashed immigrants as criminals. So to me he only tries to get his wall built, not to help anyone.

    He didn't say much about foreign policies. I find it suspicious that he refuses to sanction Russia despite almost unanimous votes in congress. For all those conservatives who complained that Obama was too weak against Russia, what do they think of Trump defying congress to support Russia?

    What about GOP making a memo about the FBI public over the objections of the FBI and Justice departments. This is not GOP vs Democrats but Trump supporters vs American institutions. The head of the FBI was appointed by Trump so they can't argue liberal bias. Again, what are they trying to hide?


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