Tuesday, December 10, 2019

It is time for the Big Ten football bowl games predictions.  I will put up also the level of confidence I have of each of the predictions.

Michigan State over Wake Forest 75% confident
USC over Iowa  53%
Penn State over Memphis  90%
Ohio State over Clemson 51%
Cal over Illinois  53%
Alabama over Michigan 95%
Auburn over Minnesota  95%
Wisconsin over Oregon 55%
Tennessee over Indiana  60%

So that makes 4-5 for Big Ten.  I think it maybe the first time I predict that they will end up with a losing record.  As you can see there are 4 games that I have practical no confidence about my prediction, they are basically tossups to me.  Unfortunately, I am quite confident that Michigan has no chance against Alabama.  OSU dropped to second really is bad for them since Clemson is a much more difficult draw than Oklahoma would have been.  I think Clemson will probably be the favorite in Las Vegas although I was very impressed with OSU the two games I saw them play, against Michigan and Penn State.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Wow, we actually agree on all except for the Indiana game! This has to be a first. I will not do the confidence index though!

    Michigan State over Wake Forest
    USC over Iowa
    Penn State over Memphis
    Ohio State over Clemson
    Cal over Illinois 53%
    Alabama over Michigan
    Auburn over Minnesota
    Wisconsin over Oregon
    Indiana over Tennessee



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