Wednesday, December 18, 2019

As expected the House passed impeachment vote today.  The Senate will acquit Trump as expected early next year.  So I didn't bother to watch the proceedings today.  But couple of things I caught on tv today that maybe of interest.

There was a Congressman from Georgia who spoke out that Jesus had a more fair trial from Pontius Pilate than Trump got from the House.  First of all, the trial is to be in the Senate and has not begin yet.  I doubt that McConnell will be harder on Trump than Pilate was on Jesus.  This guy said that Pilate gave Jesus a chance to confront his accusers.  Well, Pelosi invited Trump to come to testify.  Trump said he was considering it but ultimately chickened out.  So none of what this guy said makes any sense.

How come no Christian has come out attacking this guy.  He is comparing Trump to Jesus!  I know more than half of Republicans think Trump is greater than Lincoln.  But do Christians really believe that Trump is being persecuted more than Jesus was? 

The other thing I saw was Trump mocking Debbie Dingell, the widow of John Dingell.  He even implied that John was in hell.  John Dingell was the longest serving Congressman in history.  He served 59 years from Michigan.  Trump is low class as always.  But again no Republican has come out admonishing his words. 

I don't know if Dingell is still popular in Michigan.  I think these crass remarks from Trump can be used against him in Michigan.  Maybe it won't change many votes but it is a battle ground state that Trump won by the thinnest of margins.  So a few votes may make the difference.


  1. Anonymous2:22 PM

    I doubt his remarks will turn any voters off. I was thinking of it this morning. I know I shouldn't be, but I am surprised that people who are Republicans back this guy. I always say that if Trump ran as a Democrat, would they still love him or side with him like they do? Interesting thing is if he were a Democrat, would the Democrats go to battle for him?

    I seriously don't know the answer to this. People are so stuck on labels and taking sides. It's odd as an outsider to see this. I don't see things black and white like this, so it's strange for me. I keep hearing that they still back him because the economy is doing well. So I guess money in your pockets is more important than morals? People hide behind religion and change the narrative to suit them and it's just ridiculous.

    The guy from Georgia should be ashamed of himself for bringing Jesus into the conversation. That is just offensive to say and imply.

    I have also learned that what Trump says at rallies is something we should not care about, because he is spewing what his supporters want to hear. Unfortunately, this is just the beginning unless the political system and people's attitudes change.


  2. Democrats will support their own but not like what the Republicans have done or not doing. In fact, Republicans in the past would not be sheep like they are today. Can you imagine John McCain sticking up for Trump? Where has the old Lindsey Graham gone? The Republicans went against Nixon for the good of the country but they are not doing it today. The Democrats forced Al Franken out even though what he did is nothing compared to Trump.

    People hiding behind their religion? No, they are exposing themselves as hypocrites. When someone compares Trump to your lord and savior and you don't condemn that statement, I don't think you really believe in your religion.


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