Tuesday, December 03, 2019

The Democrats put out a 300 page report regarding the impeachment while the GOP put out over 100 pages to rebuff the Democrats even before the report came out.  Neither is going to change anyone's mind.  A poll from the Economist showed that 53% of Republicans think that Trump is a better president than Lincoln.  Probably 100% of Democrats think that Lincoln is better than Trump even though Lincoln has been dead for more than one and a half century!   It is impossible to argue with someone who believes the president who freed the slaves and defeated the confederates was inferior to Trump as president.  Apparently there are many people who are for the breaking up of the union and continuing slavery in this country!

On the Democrat side, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been criticizing Mayor Pete for saying that while he is for free college tuition, it should not apply to children of rich people.  AOC has also criticized Yang for saying he is for Medicare for all but would allow people who want to keep their current insurance to do so.  I understand the argument that if free tuition and health insurance is not for everyone then the Republicans will attack it, just like food stamps and welfare.  But they are going to attack it anyway as socialist no matter what.  Pete and Yang are right that the way the left presents these entitlements, they will not pass.  They can only hurt the chances of the Democrats defeating Trump next year.

As the most recent polls show, the lefts' candidates, Warren and Sanders, are not beating Trump in the battleground states.  The Democrats need to nominate a centrist candidate.  If Biden falters, Pete maybe viable.  The Democrats cannot put whoever is nominated in a position where he or she has to lean so far to the left that he or she cannot win those battleground states.


  1. Anonymous6:39 PM

    I read an article today about this billionaire that predicted Trump would win in 2016. He has predicted that Trump will win again as long as the economy doesn't tank. He said that the indicator is that there won't be a recession and that all Trump has to do is ease off the tariffs on China and the stock market will rally.

    As far as the democrats go, they need to come together sooner than later because there is no platform that the public can back. Mayor Pete is a great candidate but I just don't see him winning any of those states that turned Trump. Biden has been less than impressive during the debates but he probably is still the top candidate to win.


  2. I think it is correct if the economy is doing well, then Trump will probably win. I think it was Clinton who said "it is the economy, stupid". I am mad when Trump supporters say that he is doing a great job with the economy. What exactly has he done? Even if you think the tax cut is helpful, it was Paul Ryan who got it passed. Trump had nothing to do with it. The policies he put in and leaving the TPA, hurt the economy. Basically the economy is doing well despite him not because of him.

    It comes down to: Is there any Democrat who can win Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Florida, and Ohio. At least three out of the five. Can someone step up?

  3. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Well, I've always believed that money talks and people put away their morals for money. So it's been proven true, though I don't know that many people who have benefit that much the last 3 years. I mean, the tax cut didn't do anything for me and I don't know if it's helped anyone in the middle class except those that were able to get jobs or keep them. I'm interested to see if the coal miners will still vote for him despite some of the mines still closing.

    I see that there are some decent indicators that the economy is doing well. I like how unemployment is down and that there was some job growth. I think we would have been happy to see these numbers if anyone else was in office, so we can't deny the numbers. However, I don't know why no one mentions the deficit and debt growing to record numbers. So what he's doing is leaving a mess for the next person who holds office. These are not long term fixes and I have never believed that tax cuts for the rich would help anyone but the rich.


  4. I calculated that if the Democrats flip Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin and everywhere else stay the same as 2016, Trump loses. Biden is the only one who is ahead of Trump in those three. Didn't GM close two plants in Michigan recently? Or one in Ohio, one in Michigan? Given that Obama bailed out GM and there is plant closing under Trump, shouldn't Michigan be flippable?

    I don't believe that a president controls the economy. But those who claim that Trump has done great for the economy are also the ones who said Obama was terrible, maybe the worst in history. Well, didn't Obama take over from Bush in a deep recession and brought the country out of it. So if you rate a president based on the economy, shouldn't you rate Obama ahead of Bush and Trump?

    Trudeau, Macron and Johnson were caught laughing at Trump. Our three closest allies in the world and they are laughing at our president. They no longer try to flatter him. Even Johnson, who people say is Trump's twin, did not meet with him publicly and shown annoyance at Trump. By the way, should't NATO try to get rid of Turkey, given Erdogan's action against the Kurds and buying Russian weapons. Turkey is not a reliable ally of NATO.

  5. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I'm really interested in what happens at the polls this time. I think there was a survey out about a month ago here in Michigan with Trump 2016 voters. Not much change in voting. I think we do have an untapped group of young voters who were not of age last cycle. They might come out in droves nationally. But I don't think they've been surveyed at all.

    I think we keep going back and forth with this President can't control the economy. I do agree with you partly, but I do think he/she has an influence, mainly in the short term. I also think that this deficit is set by the president, who is mortgaging the future for short term success. I predict that by the end of summer, we will have some sort of agreement with China and that'll shoot the market up and farmers will get relief. Enough for them to think that the economy will do well for them. This is the type of stuff I think he can manipulate. Now, it might be false hope but remember this guy is a snake oil salesman.


  6. I think that presidents can influence the economy negatively more than positively. Having trade wars which hurt certain population and then try to buy them off with bailouts leading to big deficits as you mentioned is an example of a president causing negative results in the economy. Presidents need some luck to get positive results. Inheriting a strong economy to begin with is one way to have success. Like in football, Jeff Tafford was a lot smarter when he had Aaron Rodgers. Same with Chip Kelly when he had Marcus Mariotta. Since then neither has done well. And when it comes to the economy, there are many more factors that the president has no control over than who is the quarterback.

    Speaking of football, the bowl selections are out. I will once again do the Big Ten predictions in the next couple of days. Unfortunately, I can predict M will lose to Alabama!


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