Sunday, April 27, 2014

Cliven Bundy is the guy in Nevada whom the government accused of owing one million dollars in fees for cattle grazing on public land.  The government decided to sent armed federal agents to roundup Bundy's cattle.  This made a lot of people angry because they think it is government bullying the little guy.  So bunch of people showed up with guns to protect Bundy from the government.  Not wanting to escalate this into another Waco, the government has backed off.  After becoming a hero among conservative politicians and pundits, Bundy goes off and started saying things like black people are better off being slaves than being on welfare.  These remarks made him toxic to the conservative movements and people like Rand Paul are quickly distancing themselves from him.  There are still a lot of people with guns protecting Bundy at his home right now.

First, the government could have handled this a lot better.  Have they not arrested people for not paying before?  And the one million dollars may not be accurate since I don't see why they let that much accumulate before showing up.  I mean, I am sure the IRS will not let me accumulate a million in back taxes before coming after me.  But in any case, why does this guy thinks that he should be able to feed his cattle for free?  And all those people who are supporting him, don't some of them own businesses?  And how would these business owners feel if their competitors got free resources from the government to compete against them? That would be a government over reach, wouldn't it?  By grazing for free, wouldn't Bundy be getting welfare from the government?  Why are people like Rand Paul not against this type of welfare in the first place?

I am not labeling Bundy a racist yet.  He is obviously wrong to say slavery is better than being on welfare.  I mean, if he loses in court, he will find out first hand that welfare is a lot better than slavery.  He will lose his free grazing land which was essentially welfare to boost his income and then he will have to pay the government money so he may be working for nothing which is similar to slavery. 

I won't label Bundy a racist until I have info about how he treats people of other races.  I know of people who treat others equally without regard to race but are outspoken about government policies such as welfare.  I do agree with them on some issues.  For example, single mothers get more money than  those who are married with the same number of children.  This encourages parents not to get married or get divorced if they are married.  This is unhealthy for the family and the community.  It is possible that Bundy only meant to criticize certainly policies but at the same time treats everybody equally.  He may just have a problem expressing himself.  I am not betting on this but innocent until proven guilty, right?

I am sure there will be more debates on Bundy but I am sure that Bundy is happy that Donald Sterling is replacing him in the news!  More on that one after I get more info.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Speaking of racists, what are your thoughts about the Clippers' owner? Almost hard to believe a guy who owns a basketball team and has a black man as his coach could be racist. But if it's him on those tapes, then it's pretty damning.

    I am surprised that he didn't come out and deny or say anything right away. Sometimes the worst thing is to hide like he is.

    Now, maybe he was upset with his ex-girlfriend at the time and just said stuff just to get under her skin. Who knows.

    But if it really is him on those tapes, the NBA needs to do something. I heard Magic Johnson was offering to buy the team, which would be ironic. I can't believe that the franchise would command a $1 billion price tag.

    As far as Cliven Bundy, I have no idea who is in the right here. I believe that both sides have been wrong. I really can't fault Bundy for fighting to have his cattle graze the land, especially if they had been doing it for a long time without incident.

    But if it's federal land and they need it back or want to tax it's use, the government has every right to do so.

    Now, what I don't condone is the killing of the cattle by the feds, if that is the case.

    Let courts decide this without all the calls for violence.

    Now, as far as Bundy's racists remarks go, he said that he thinks Mexicans should be allowed to cross the boarder and work because he thinks they are hard workers.

    At the same time, he stereotypes blacks as lazy and use the system (which ironically he does by allowing his cattle to eat freely off land that is not his).

    Some really interesting stuff all around.



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