Wednesday, November 18, 2020

 As the country reaches 250,00o deaths, it is incredible that a big part of the population does not believe in the science of wearing a mask.  In fact, some of our "leaders" still attack people who advocate wearing a mask.  Ted Cruz, for example, called a fellow senator an ass for asking a fellow lawmaker to wear a mask in the senate chamber.  Shortly after, Senator Grassley of Iowa announced he contracted the virus.  Since then two more Republican Congressmen also got infected.  Attacking someone when you are completely wrong is despicable.  I won't call Cruz an ass because an ass cannot lick somebody else's ass as he has been doing for Trump.  

Cruz is such a little man that he kisses Trump's ass even though Trump called him all kinds of names and belittled him during the 2016 campaign.  But Cruz has no pride and he resorted to kissing Trump's ass in order to survive his Senate campaign last time.  But even though he won't be up for reelection until way after Trump is out of the office, he is still one of Trump's sycophant.  That is because he thinks he can win the nomination for president in 2024 so he doesn't want to lose Trump supporters.  Everybody, including Trump supporters, know that he is a weak man in 2016 and today.  He has no chance to get the nomination.   And according the GOP thinking, he is not eligible anyway.  He was born outside of the U.S. and if the GOP think that Obama was not eligible because he "may" have been born outside of the U.S., shouldn't Cruz be ineligible since he was definitely born outside of the U.S.?   But then the Republicans are hypocrites, of course.


  1. Anonymous2:13 PM

    You sound pretty angry! There was a reason why even Trump called him "Lyin' Ted". He's one of those guys that lives in a different reality. I thought maybe he would learn his lesson when Jimmy Kimmel called him out, but he actually doubled down and has been this way ever since.

    Have you noticed this trend of GOP politicians and their children growing beards? It's a weird thing. I don't really know what to think of it. I think it's some kind of secret unsaid thing.

    To be fair, I don't think Cruz realized that the staff was near the fellow senator. But to call out the fact was just grandstanding on his part. I think that Grassley getting Covid is pretty interesting. I think we've seen huge spikes in Iowa and South Dakota where the governors there refused to mandate masks.

    I have yet to see any data whether these spikes were contributed to the Trump rallies. I have a feeling we won't know for sure because from what I understood, Trump supporters would not submit to contact tracing.


  2. Yes, I am very angry. There are just too many stupid things that are happening due to the actions of Trump and his sycophants. Did you see Giuliani's performance at a news conference? Basically, they are undermining our democracy. They are also letting the virus kill way more people than necessary. There are too many things to rant about but if you are reading this blog, I would be preaching to the choir anyway.

    Interesting what you said about beards. My wife likes to watch shows like 20/20, 48 Hours, and Dateline. Before the show even starts, I would yell: the husband or the boyfriend did it! My wife will respond that if it is a man who committed a crime, you can be sure that he has a beard. It would turn our we are right the majority of the time. So maybe the GOP are just letting us know they are the guilty party. Either that or they think they are in the NHL playoffs and they can't shave until their team is eliminated. I guess they can relate to the NHL since it is the whitest of the sports except for NASCAR. In any case, they should shave now since they have been eliminated even though they refuse to believe the scoreboard.

  3. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Interesting idea about the beards. Maybe it's to hide their faces more like the hoods the klan used to wear. If you notice, most of the far right groups/militia boys have beards. So maybe these wannabe politicians are trying to emulate the look or it's a wink and nod to these extremists that they're on their side. I don't know...I just noticed the coincidence.

    Yes, I watched clips of Rudy's press conference. He was really trying to sell the lies or alternate facts if you will. I don't understand how he can still buy hair dye that runs instead of getting his hair professionally done with all the money he gets for defending Trump. In fact, I'm surprised Trump doesn't tell him to get his hair done at Don's hairdresser.

    I'm also shocked at the two female attorneys who spoke. They were both quite angry and emotional. Apparently they have no shame either. This whole thing about getting the Republicans from Michigan to the White House looks bad. The calling to the committee members was also a bad look. You can do these things privately. I just don't see anything happening here in Michigan to help him.


  4. Don Jr. got COVID along with Rudy's son and Rick Scott, senator from Florida. It seems more and more well known Republicans are getting the virus daily and yet we still have people who think this is a hoax. Even some people dying on ventilators are telling their nurses that this is not worse than the flu! Are there that many stupid people in this country?

    Do you know anything about those people who went to see Trump from Michigan? I think anyone trying to help Trump to change the election result is going against our democracy and should be voted out of office. Many won't be voted out but hopefully some will lose their jobs because of this disloyalty to the country.

    I also don't understand why Trump is trying so hard in Michigan. He lost by well over 100,000 votes while he lost by much slimmer margins in Wisconsin and Georgia. He should have less case in Michigan than the other close states. I think he is playing the race card by attacking Detroit even though he lost more in the suburbs compare to 2016. But he can't blame the white voters turning against him. Maybe he thinks by attacking the black vote, he can get more donations. I wonder if he is just trying to raise more money so that he can clear some debts when he leaves office?

  5. Anonymous11:49 AM

    The contingency that went to the White House from Michigan are the speaker of the house and I believe the senate majority leader. Both the house and senate are controlled by the Republicans. There is an unwillingness on both sides to work together. I have to believe that this is part of the Trump effect. The two Republicans I think will run for governor in 2022. It'll be interesting to see if anything happens from this trip but the two and some other aides were seen at the Trump hotel drinking Dom Perignon.

    When they were caught, they claimed they were paying for it out of pocket. I'm not sure why anyone would drink Dom other than to celebrate or a special occasion. So who knows why they were drinking it.

    Trump is just trying to excite his people because he knows there is a big African American population in Wayne County. He knows he has supporters in the area that will eat up the lies and cause more division. He won't win but will get his base pumped up so that it'll look like there was fraud.

    I thought I heard he was doing the same tactics in Milwaukee and Atlanta and Philadelphia so you see the pattern here.


  6. Yes, he is doing the same tactic in cities with large Black populations. But he is aiming at Detroit more than any place else and his loss was worse in Michigan than the other places. I heard that one of two Republicans on the Michigan state canvassing board is prepared to vote on behalf of Trump to not certify the results. If the other Republicans also do that then you have a tie and what happens then? Can the GOP controlled legislature defy the will of the people? Will it go the Michigan Supreme Court? Which party control that Court? Will it go to the U.S. Supreme Court. I think all these are uncharted territories.

  7. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Well, this is old news but the board certified the election yesterday. One republican certified while the other abstained. I think the reason there was extra focus by Trump was because of these two republican on the committee who originally did not certify for whatever reason. So Trump probably thought he could bring more focus to Michigan and Detroit even if he could not win. It's just more pettiness on his part and trying to delay the process. Meanwhile no one talks about how much it is costing taxpayers. The flights to DC aren't free nor are the hotel rooms. Paying to have the votes recounted is not free either.

    I know you were probably busy watching your favorite show last night. There was still controversy about who won, though I always say that it's easier for the females to win. I think with that considered the woman who won deserved it. I was pulling for Nev and thought he was one of the more impressive men who have ever been on. I personally didn't think Nelly deserved to be in the top 4 but he obviously was very popular.

    I had read that Biden could not appoint Warren to any cabinet or admin post because her state has a republican governor. So if she were to leave, he could possibly appoint a republican to take her seat. Have you heard of any discussion where Biden could appoint a republican senator where a democrat governor could decide his/her seat? I suppose the senator could refuse the appointment then?

    What's the deal with Governor Newsome going to a private party and not socially distancing? This is a bad look for him as he enacts more restrictions. What are the thoughts about him in California? I hear he's also getting pressure to appoint an African American to Harris' seat.

    If I remember correctly, you had mentioned chess before. Have you seen the Netflix show The Queen's Gambit? We binge watched it and thought it was pretty good. The woman that stars in it is very good.


  8. So with Michigan certifying, Trump is finally allowing transition to begin. This is good but still, it is much delay that hurt national security. Also due to the chaos he has sowed, many more people are questioning the accuracy of our election process. Exactly what our adversaries want.

    I agree that Nev should have won. But when everybody got perfect scores except for Nelly, it was obvious that the woman would win since she is the most well known. My wife and I were rooting for Justina as she has less background in dance and her bright personality is contagious. She is way better than Nelly but I guess the top two were slightly better than her.

    Losing a seat temporarily is one reason Warren was not selected. But I think she is more radical toward Wall Street than Biden and he does not want to rattle the market right now given the economic conditions. As the Dow show today, naming Yellen instead was a big relief to Wall Street. Nobody would give away a cabinet position just to win a senate seat. If you cross party line, it must be for someone who you can agree with. If not, the nominee would decline the nomination like you said anyway.

    Newsome did a dumb thing, like the president of Notre Dame did when he showed up at the White House for the nomination of Barrett to the Supreme Court. Another case of do as I say, not as I so. Newsome did a good job in the beginning of the pandemic but things are getting out of control. Mostly not his fault as too many people are just not responsible. He is under pressure to appoint an African American woman to replace Harris. One thing that is on his side is that the tax revenue coming into California is not as bad as some other states. One area of the economy that is doing well is tech. So Silicon Valley is providing more revenue than expected. That may not last but is at least one less thing Newsome has to worry about at this moment.

    Yes, I have watched the Queen's Gambit. It was very good. It is always difficult for a chess player to watch a movie about chess. You know that moves are never that quick but obviously you can't have someone stare at the board for twenty minutes. In top level play, most games are drawn not won or lost. So it is not realistic to see the protagonist win several games in a row. Also in the 1960s if you have an adjourned game against a Soviet champion, you are not going to win the next day unless you have overwhelming advantage before adjournment. The Soviets had most of the top ten players in the world and they will figure out the best moves overnight. The American had a few non grandmaster helping her so there was no way she could have won the next day. Even Fisher lost to Spassky after adjournment in their first game. But overall, the acting and the story and most of the chess openings were good. I enjoyed the episodes. I wonder if they will have a second season?

  9. Anonymous9:07 AM

    As far as Queen's Gambit goes, there isn't supposed to be another season but since it did so well, I'm sure Netflix is thinking about it just for the economic reasons. I don't think they can do a better job in a second season. It's not like a Rocky movie where she trains even harder or starts to take those drugs so that she can come out of retirement! Hey, that sounds like something that Hollywood would come up with!

    Have you heard anything about Andrew Yang being considered for any positions in the Biden administration?

    I see that Trump is travelling with Rudy today to Pennsylvania. This should be interesting.

    I liked Justina as well. She had a very good personality. My sister is a big Bachelorette fan, so the woman who won was on that show. She was pulling for her. I don't know anyone that was pulling for Nelly, which means I don't have any hip friends or relatives or not enough African American friends or family!



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